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Nhan đề: Principles of Web Design: The Web Technologies Series
Tác giả: Sklar, Joel
Từ khoá: Web Design
Thiết kế Web
Năm xuất bản: 2011
Nhà xuất bản: Course Technology
Trích dẫn: 5th edition
Tóm tắt: Joel Sklar has written the definitive text for Web site design, PRINCIPLES OF WEB DESIGN, Fifth Edition guiding readers through the entire Web site creation process, while developing and enhancing your HTML, CSS, and visual design skills along the way. Now updated to include the latest Web design technologies and trends, this Fifth Edition features all-new sections on HTML5, CSS3, CSS page layouts, and enhanced navigation as well as technical updates and new screen shots throughout. Beginning with the Web design environment and the principles of sound Web design, readers will continue to planning site layout and navigation, and progress to Web typography, colors and images, working with CSS, and more. Armed with a priceless understanding and plenty of hands-on activities, readers will gain a solid foundation of designing successful, standards-based Web sites that are portable across different operating systems, browsers, and Web devices. Companion site available at no additional cost
Mô tả: Pages: 674
Định danh:
ISBN: 9781111528706
Bộ sưu tập: Công Nghệ TT

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