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Nhan đề: An Introduction to Group Theory: Applications to Mathematical Music Theory - eBooks and textbooks from
Tác giả: Sánchez, Flor Aceff
Aquino, Octavio A. Agustín
Puebla, Emilio Lluis
Montiel, Mariana
Plessis, Janine du
Từ khoá: Group theory
Lí thuyết nhóm
Năm xuất bản: 2013
Nhà xuất bản:
Trích dẫn: 1st edition
Tóm tắt: The success of Group Theory is impressive and extraordinary. Its influence is strongly felt in almost all scientific and artistic disciplines, in Music in particular, as is shown in this text. Group Theory extracts the essential characteristics of diverse situations in which some type of symmetry or transformation appears. In this text, a modern presentation of the fundamental notions of Group Theory is chosen, where the language of commutative diagrams and universal properties, so necessary in Modern Mathematics, in Physics and Computer Science, among other disciplines, is introduced.
Định danh:
ISBN: 9788740303247
Bộ sưu tập: Mathematics (

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