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Title: Principles of macroeconomics
Authors: Taylor, Timothy
Greenlaw, Steven A
Dodge, Eric R
Keywords: Macroeconomics
MMacroeconomics -- Textbooks
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: OpenStax College, Rice University
Abstract: Principles of Macroeconomics covers the scope and sequence for a one-semester economics course. The text also includes many current examples, including: the housing bubble and housing crisis, Zimbabwe's hyperinflation, global unemployment, and the appointment of the United States' first female Federal Reserve chair, Janet Yellen. The pedagogical choices, chapter arrangements, and learning objective fulfillment were developed and vetted with feedback from educators dedicated to the project. The outcome is a balanced approach to economics, to both Keynesian and classical views, and to the theory and application of economics concepts. Current events are treated in a politically-balanced way, as well.
ISBN: 1938168259
Appears in Collections:Kinh tế (OpenStax)

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