Vui lòng dùng định danh này để trích dẫn hoặc liên kết đến tài liệu này:
Nhan đề: Professional Android application development
Tác giả: Meier, Reto
Từ khoá: Android (Phần mềm ưng dụng)
Năm xuất bản: 2012
Nhà xuất bản: Jonh Wiley & Sons
Tóm tắt: This book is for anyone interested in creating applications for the Android platform. It includes information that will be valuable, whether you’re an experienced mobile developer or making your fi rst foray, via Android, into writing mobile applications. It will help if you have used smartphones (particularly phones running Android), but it’s not necessary, nor is prior experience in mobile application development. It’s expected that you’ll have some experience in software development and be familiar with basic object-oriented development practices. An understanding of Java syntax is a requirement, and detailed knowledge and experience is a distinct advantage, though not a strict necessity.
Định danh:
Bộ sưu tập: Công Nghệ TT

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